People Before Profit Waterford Stand With Debenhams Workers

THE Occupation by Debenham’s striking workers enters its second day in Waterford. We have been proud to stand with these workers from the start.

The situation in Waterford in comparison to other areas is interesting in the shifting tides of opinion on the Workers plight, as well as general insight into background.

They deserve better and everyone knows it. Their stance is not just for them but for others likely to follow in a similar intolerable manner.

We know of the impetus of the failed Dail vote last week and the betrayal of many who pledged support and then either did not attend, or voted against the Workers.

Locally Mary Butler who has stood for photos with the workers did not attend. The Workers have today requested a meeting with her.

Green Party Waterford TD Marc O’Cathasaigh expressed interest through the press, in talking to them today but the Workers quickly reminded him that he did vote against them only last week. He is to show up on Friday regardless.

The Gardai entered the building twice yesterday and took details of the occupants, unlike the scenario that unfolded in Dublin a fortnight ago, there were no arrests, nor was any agreement brokered as had been the case in Cork. Instead the Gardai said that they would need to contact the owners and get an injunction for removal. This is hardly likely as the owners are the Roche family, who had owned Roches Stores. According to the SBP this week the Roche family, who still own all the Debenhams premises offered to cut rents significantly in a bid to keep the stores open. However, Debenhams were not willing to engage on the matter. It is unlikely the Roche family will agree to any injunction. This is worth noting for future occupations.

Stand with Debenhams Workers are calling for pickets outside Fianna Fail TDs offices this week to highlight the public anger and support for the Debenhams Workers. Please Support!