People Before Profit Support The Translink Strikers

People Before Profit Cllr Shaun Harkin said, 

“Translink workers have refused to back down or remain silent.

They are right to strike and have our full support. 

They were right to announce an escalation of industrial action following the mass public sector strike on the 18th January.

As of now, Translink workers are being offered a disgraceful 0 per cent pay offer. Nothing has changed. 

Promises from the Secretary of State and the DUP count for absolutely nothing.

The same is true of a restored Stormont Executive.

Good will from government and employers means nothing when families can’t afford to pay bills and hundreds of thousands linger on waiting lists.

Workers can wait no longer for fair pay. Our public services can wait no longer for adequate funding.

It’s time for Translink workers and all public sector workers to receive real pay rises. It’s time for our hospitals, GPs, schools, transport network and all community services to be properly funded. 

We commend UNITE, GMB, SIPTU and all Translink workers for leading the way.”

Short Strand
West Belfast