Derry People Before Profit Trade Union Week

People Before Profit Cllr Shaun Harkin, 
“The critical role played by essential workers all through the Covid-19 health pandemic is forcing a rethink of how workers are treated and of how we can challenge inequality. The heroic response of workers is contrasted by the calamitous response by central government’s and the disastrous consequences of privatisation has had on public services. 
Trade unions have been the pivotal way workers have challenged inequality, gained a voice in the workplace and improved the overall lives of all working class communities. Today, even after decades of attacks, trade unions represent hundreds of thousands of people from all backgrounds across the North. They can play a leading role going forward in improving workers pay, defending and expanding public services, defending health and safety, challenging all forms of discrimation and in undoing economic policies that increase inequality. 
People Before Profit is encouraging workers in all walks of life to join a trade union. We encourage people who are in trade unions to become active campaigners in them. Unions are strongest when large numbers of members are active in defending terms and conditions. The financial fall-out of the pandemic means we are facing tremendous challenges and uncertainty. To protect our rights and fight for a different kind of economy we will need to be organised and prepared to take action.” 
Derry People Before Profit Trade Union Week events can be found here: